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I’ve realized there is no “one size fits all” strategy or activity in education!

This Creative Synthesis Project does not claim to list or explain all or the only strategies and activities for use with English Language Learners (ELL).

However, the goal is share and explain strategies and activities which course readings, research studies, and my experiences indicate to be effective or beneficial for this type of learner and allow them to thrive.


The question I attempt to answer through this Creative Synthesis Project is: How can teachers help ELLs thrive in a classroom of literacy and technology?
The rationale for this project stems from my experiences in the classroom and interactions with English Language Learners (ELLs). I am an English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher who works with diverse learners. General Education classroom teachers often ask: What are the best practices for ELLs? What are supports necessary for ELLs to succeed in school? How can I develop the language abilities of ELLs? I had similar wonderings too. During my coursework in the New Literacies and Global Learning (NLGL) graduate program at North Carolina State University, I considered readings and assignments with my EL students in mind....

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